Friday 11 December 2009

Evaluation Of Music Video

I had several responsibilities during the music video project. I had to complete some of the pre production paper work for our group I wrote out the, treatment and the synopsis sheets, I had to do them in time so we could get our gear to start filimg. I also had the responsibility of drawing the story board also. In the making of the music I had the task of learning the bass part for the song. Which means I had the responsibility of learning the parts I had to play on the bass guitar. Which also involves having to be able to bring my instrument into college and to the video shoot. I had the responsibility of doing some of the camera work during the video shoot when it was Jack and George performing so I had to film them. I had to take part in the editing process and to make it so it fits with all the other editing style in the video. I think my contribution was good during the making of the project. I turned up to every session when we decided I was'nt late and didnt forget to bring any equipment we needed so that was helpful. I could have contributed more to the writing of the lyrics so thats where I could have improve my contribution. I helped well with the filming of the video and I think I did a good job at it. Also with the editing process I did parts of the editing as we divided it up equaly, and I think that I did quite a good job at the editing as I didnt make any huge mistakes only minor ones which were fixed relativly easy, just some black gaps which went unoticed.
I learnt quite alot from this project, ive become alot more confident using final cut pro. I know alot more about the features on the programme like how to speed up clips. Increase the brightness of the clips and how to enhance colour. So compared to at the start all I knew was how to make it black and white and to cut them together so ive progressed alot in my skill. Ive learnt alot also about how pop promos are made and set up from doing this project. With all the research we did beforehand I now know lots about how there made. And a few music video directors. I struggled quite abit with the making of the song which is why I didnt contribute much to the lyric writing.I think the overall technical quality of the finished video is ok, I would improve more on the party scenes in the video. By possibly making the lighting brighter so the clips are so dark in areas and in some parts where it goes blurry I would change it so them parts where gone. But overall the technical quality is rather good especially in the edits between the party scenes and the performance. They fit well together and the edits are very fast paced which is what we wanted. The sound is great I think it doesnt sound out of place to the video, and its put together well.The use of editing in the video is very good. Its all fast paced which fits with the music. It cuts inbetween the performance and party and it works well its fluid and goes together.
The genre was punk/rock/hardcore it looks alot like most punk videos you see. As its muddy and dark and chaotic. The narrative of it was just someone in a first person view wandering around a party looking in different rooms drinking, smoking etc. Our ideas came across quite succesful our original idea was a first person view of a party where he wandered round rooms and randomly see us performing. We had a snag in our idea is that we couldnt use the house again. So we had to film us performing somehwere else. This didnt effect the effectivness or quality and it still worked really well it as it wasnt to far astray from our original idea.
The narrative is shown well as you can see its a first person view at what looks like a party. The video /rock genre you can tell its that from the music and the video as its fast and all the edits are very quick paced. Our target audience would have to be anyone who likes punk/rock music as it fits into that genre. Not much went wrong on the project, the only major wrong was not being able to film where we wanted but it didnt really make much of a different. As we quickly found somewhere else to film.
I think the performance parts turned out really well we managed to get lots of good shots of us performing. They looked great after we edited them and made the edits quick. Also the edits went very well to there very quick and smooth cuts with the party clips.This video compares quite good to some real examples of course we didnt have such a big budget as they did. But we do have some styles that most other videos of this genre have like muddy fast paced performance and party shots which are chaotic we did well at creating that style. We were inspired by videos by Enter shikari their video sorry your not a winner we got inspiration from that where there playing in the middle of the room during a house party. We got the inspiration for the first person view of the man at a party from videos like Chelsea smile by Bring Me The Horizon and The Prodigy Smack my bitch up. We liked the idea of the first person view as we thought it looked really good. And wanted to re-create kind of what we saw with the first person techniques they used.
From the audience we played the video to, we got alot of good feedback. Quite a few comments were about the first person view at the party. Here is a quote 'First person looks good as it takes you right into it'. People seemed to enjoy the party scenes as they 'could relate to it' with it being all blurry and waking up in the morning in the bathroom. We have some negative comments, where the end shot was to long. I agree that it is long, so if I was to do it again I wou ld shorten it up. The audience said they liked the variety of shots we had for the performance parts. It seems the audience did see the video the same way as we did. As we where going for a crazy party which was really fast with fast cuts of the band performing.
So my overall opinion of this video is great. I think we did fantastic for our very first music video. This song is good and it goes well with the video and the edits are really good I think. If I were to do it again I might get some more shots of the band performing so we have a larger variety of shots to chose as we ended up using some of the same angles quite alot in edit. But other than very t I think overall it turned out very good.

Thursday 10 December 2009

Pre-Production Music Video.

shot list 2nd
Shot list 1st

Log sheet.






These are the story boards.

The whole house party will be shot from a first person view of a guy at a party he will walk around. People will offer him drinks and ciggarettes. He will walk around the house seeing people dancing in the rooms it will seem cramped and crowded. This will be cut between the first person view of him and parts of the band performing. The first person is just meant to look like a regular person at a party.

the people dancing will be shown through first person as the guy walks around the house the party people will just interact with the him and pretend camera isnt there. There meant to look fast and frenzied like the music. And the rooms will be crowded with them dancing. They will wear clothes they come in, so there is a mixture of different people dancing.

The band will be shown performing from a variety of different shots in a small room of us jumping around and playing. We will be wearing rock style clothes with instruments to make us look more convincing we are a band. The shots of the band will be cut into the house party it will cut from the band to the party often quick paced. We will shoot solo parts of the band performing and close ups of instruments being played also.

Our Music video will be around three minutes in length. The video will be performance and narrative based. It will cut between the band performing and a first person view at a house party in colchester where everyone is dancing. The whole video will look like a first person view of someone. They walk to the house and knock on the door. And gets let in and starts wandering around the house discovering people drinking, smoking and dancing. At the end he will walk outside and the sky will fade into white. The performance shots of the band will be a variety of different shots. We will Super impose a bomb being dropped over the shots of the band to relate to the lyrics and add effect.

Call sheet-
Production title: Big Stink
Shoot Date: 27th November
Crew: Jack Barrett-Evans
cast: Rent-a-mob
Location: 42 Lisle Road, Colchester
Calltimes: 6:00pm - 11:00am
Equipment: camera
Production schedule:
time: 6:00pm
Scene: 1
Cast: rent-a-mob
Scene 14
Cast: rent-a-mob

Nearest emergency services:
Hospital: Colchester
police: colchester
Production title: Big stink
Crew: Jack Barrett-Evans
George Caley
Matthew Bulkeley
Cast: Jack Barrett-Evans
George Caley
Matthew Bulkeley
Location: 76 Swallow road, Ipswich
Contact: Jack Barrett-Evans
Calltimes: 4:00pm-7:00pm
Equipment: camera
Production schedule:
Time: 4:00pm
scene: 1
Cast: Band
Props: Instruments
Time: 7:00pm
Scene: 14
Cast: band
Props: Instruments
Emergency services: Ipswich Hospital - Ipswich Police.